
The Global Policy Network on Recruitment

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Policy dialogue

The Network creates a space for governments to discuss and solve the challenges they encounter in regulating cross border recruitment and protecting migrant workers.

It is a vehicle for policy dialogue and exchange that is solutions- and impact-oriented.

The GPN supports Member States’ commitments to Objective 6 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as well as Sustainable Development Goals 8 on Decent Work, 10 on Reduced Inequalities and 17 on Partnerships.

Policy dialogue

A State-led collaboration

  • The Network brings together policy makers, regulators, and government practitioners to:
  • Discuss key challenges related to the cross-border recruitment and protection of migrant workers.
  • Identify and co-develop solutions to recruitment-related challenges.
  • Highlight and share promising practices in the field of policy, regulation, enforcement, protection.
Policy dialogue