Cross-border recruitment of workers is a vital part of facilitating international labour mobility. When it is done in a fair and transparent way, recruitment contributes to safe, orderly labour migration which benefits countries of origin and destination, employers, and migrants. However, when it is conducted in a manner inconsistent with international standards, unethical recruitment can lead to fraudulent behaviour, exploitation, and, in the worst cases, conditions of forced labour.
In many migration corridors, the vulnerability of migrant workers is exacerbated by weaknesses in regulation and enforcement. Inconsistencies across jurisdictions, coupled with uneven enforcement capacity, can lead to gaps in migrant protection.
To address this, Member States asked IOM to support the establishment of the GPN as a vehicle to facilitate policy dialogue, exchange of good practice and peer learning. The GPN was launched on December 3rd, 2020 by IOM’s Director General and the Swedish Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. Its inaugural meeting was held on May 4th, 2021.